Tools – Preferences – Prepared By

How to – Preferences – Prepared By

Preferences… are reached through the Tools tab on the Menu bar.

01 MenuBar

Clicking on Tools > Preferences… will present the Preferences screen. If it is not already showing, click on the Prepared by tab.

02 Preparedby

The information from the Prepared by screen goes, optionally, into some reports and into the GEDCOMs you export. Consider where your reports and GEDCOMs may go before you place information there which you may not want to go public. Here are three examples:

03 ReportFGR

This is the information on the Family Group Report.

04 ReportPedigree

This is the information presented on the Pedigree Report.


This is the information from a GEDCOM.

I guess there are two things to consider here. One is Privacy. Are you worried about what information you share?

The other is ease of communication. Is there someone reading your information who would like to contact you, but doesn’t know how?

As always, the choice is yours.

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