New Computer

New Computer

QuestionsNo, I don’t have one, but I was asked how to move AQ from an old computer to its replacement. It really is easy to do, and there is more than one way to do it. It really isn’t even necessary to move it.

1. If you are using Ancestral Quest Basics (the free version) just DOWNLOAD a copy to your new computer.

2. If you have a key for the full version, DOWNLOAD the free version.


Click on Help and select Register Ancestral Quest,


and enter your Registration Key. (Note that on your screen it will not say “This copy of Ancestral
Quest has been registered.  Your registration is current and is shown below. The full functionality of Ancestral Quest is already active and available for you to use.”)

Both of these methods will work, but let me suggest a third. (This assumes the old computer still runs.)

3. Put your flash drive in the old computer. Open your File Manager. (This would be My Computer or Computer, depending on your operating system.) Navigate to either C:\Program Files (x86)\Incline Software\Ancestral Quest 14\ or C:\Program Files\Incline Software\Ancestral Quest 14\.


Copy the Ancestral Quest 14 folder to the flash drive. Move the flash drive to the new computer.

On the new computer, navigate to the folder which contains your software. This is probably C:\Program Files (x86). In this folder, create a new folder called Incline Software. Copy the Ancestral Quest 14 folder from the flash drive into the Incline Software folder.

You now have a fully functioning version of Ancestral Quest on the new computer, but at this point it will be a little difficult to run the program. What you will want to do is create a Shortcut to the program on your Desktop. To do this, open the Ancestral Quest 14 folder, and find the ancquest.exe program. If your operating system is set to not show the file suffix, you will see two files named ancquest. The first will have an icon with a yellow question mark. The second will have a blue family tree icon. This is the one you want. Right Click on the file name, and select Create Shortcut from the menu. If your operating system allows this to be created in the Ancestral Quest 14 folder, you will want to move it to your Desktop.

There is an advantage to using this third method. Ancestral Quest is a portable application. This means that you can execute the program while it resides on the flash drive. This will allow you to take your flash drive, containing the program and your family file with you to any windows computer, and run it there. Just navigate into the Ancestral Quest 14 folder on your flash drive, and double click on the ancquest.exe program name.

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