
I am a member of the Yahoo Group AQ_AncestralQuest. One of the group members made this request:

Please provide steps to include family search ID number in AQ14

He then described the field at the bottom of the Edit Individual screen by saying:

FamilySearch ID (greyed out)

I would have waited to see what replies he received, but I started thinking about two words he used: greyed out.

That meant that the FamilySearch ID was not available to be updated. The solution is simple, but only if you know the solution. This will demonstrate the problem:


The image above is similar to what he would see if he opened a file in Ancestral Quest.


This is what he would need to see in order to link his records to the corresponding records in the FamilySearch Family Tree. Here are the steps to get from the first version to the second version. First click on Tools -> Preferences.


The Preferences screen has several tabs. Click on the FamilySearch tab.


There must be a check in the checkbox labeled Enable FamilySearch features.


You will be notified that your selection will not take effect until you stop and re-start Ancestral Quest.

If you would like to join the AncestralQuest group, do this:


In Ancestral Quest, click on the Internet tab and select Ancestral Quest Home Page.


There, click on the Support tab, and select Newsgroup.


When you get there, type Ancestral Quest in the search field, and click the Search Groups button.


Scroll up and down the groups returned, and select the group or groups which interest you.

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